Jacob with his new shirt
The country ham
Richard cutting the country ham
Which way is Richard cutting the country ham???
Gwen's Breakfast - UUUMMMMM
Ronnie cutting his own breakfast
Jamie coming home from Harris Teetee
Look at the Harris Teetee bags - hope you bought stock...
Owen and Jacob dancing
The game room
Lunch (I can't figure out how to turn the pictures)
On our way in
The menu (on it's side)
Shrimp, shrimp and more shrimp
Patrick did the fish quesedilla.
Gwen eating a shrimp - self portrait.
What was left - shells
The Pool Around 2:00
The bathing beauty and tonight's chef
Theresa and Jim
The pool was popular today.
Tricia and Richard
Uncle Conway - I miss you.
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